次の英文を読み,右ページの問いに答えなさい。ムハマド・ユヌスさんのどのような活動が評価されたのでしょうか。 Muhammad Yunus and his Grameen Bank were awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. You might wonder why a banker should get the peace prize.Actually, he is Unit 1Date: / ListeningTotal読解時間/10/100(2分15秒)/12/10/28/40LogicWritingGrammarReadingテーマ語数伝記200Reading 02分 秒次の英文を読み,右ページの問いに答えなさい。ムハマド・ユヌスさんのどのような活動が評価されたのでしょうか。 Muhammad Yunus and his Grameen Bank were awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. You might wonder why a banker should get ❶the peace prize.Actually, he is not just a banker. By using his unique economic program called microcredit, he has helped millions of poor people in Bangladesh get out of poverty. In 1940, Muhammad Yunus was born in a suburb of Chittagong, Bangladesh. In 5Unit 1Date: / ListeningTotal読解時間/10/100(2分15秒)/12/10/28/40LogicWritingGrammarReadingテーマ語数伝記200Reading 02分 秒「SPRINT」というタイトルから、スピード感やシャープさを感じられるデザインに総合問題集SPRINT判型:B5 D:髙橋夏子学習参考書EDlTORlALこだわりPOlNT!03正答数など要素が多くあるため、雑然となってしまいがちなところを、罫線や飾りを最小限に抑えつつもメリハリをつけ見やすくまとめました。ポリゴン風のモチーフを使用し、シャープに洗練された印象に仕上げました。罫を極力抑え、見やすさを重視「SPRINT」の「S」をモチーフに4Unit 1 5次の英文を読み,右ページの問いに答えなさい。ムハマド・ユヌスさんのどのような活動が評価されたのでしょうか。 Muhammad Yunus and his Grameen Bank were awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. You might wonder why a banker should get ❶the peace prize.Actually, he is not just a banker. By using his unique economic program called microcredit, he has helped millions of poor people in Bangladesh get out of poverty. In 1940, Muhammad Yunus was born in a suburb of Chittagong, Bangladesh. In his school days, he was a very smart student.❷After graduating from the University of Dhaka, he became a lecturer in the economics department of the university. After that, he had a chance to study economics in the U.S. During his stay in the U.S., the Bangladesh Liberation War broke out. He stayed there and supported the independence of Bangladesh. After Bangladesh became ( ❸ ) in 1971, he returned home. In 1974, there was a terrible famine in Bangladesh. Hundreds of thousands of people suffered from hunger and poverty. Poor people had to borrow from loan sharks to buy raw materials for weaving. ( ❹ ) Yunus found poor people suffering from the loans, he himself began to lend money to the poorest villagers at low interest. It is now called microcredit because the loan amounts are small.510151下線部❶「この楽しみ」の内容を日本語で説明しなさい。 2コーヒーセレモニーの手順を表したイラストとして間違っているものをa~dから選び,記号で答えなさい。 abcd3下線部❷について,3杯のコーヒーが持つ意味を日本語で説明しなさい。 4( ❸ )に入れるのに最も適切なものをa~dから選び,記号で答えなさい。 a.beautiful b.moving c.relaxed d.traditional 5( ❹ )に入れるのに最も適切なものをa~dから選び,記号で答えなさい。 a.However b.So c.Then d.Sometimes 6次の問いに対する答えの文を完成させなさい。 ⑴How long have Ethiopian people enjoyed drinking coffee? ̶ They have enjoyed it ⑵What do the guests do just before the coffee ceremony finishes? ̶ They ムハマド・ユヌスさんℓ.1 Muhammad Yunus ムハマド・ユヌス《1940年バングラデシュ生まれの経済学者》 ℓ.1 Grameen Bank グラミン銀行 ℓ.3 microcredit マイクロクレジット,少額融資 ℓ.5 Chittagong チッタゴン《バングラデシュ南東部の都市》 ℓ.6 Dhaka ダッカ《バングラデシュの首都》 ℓ.9 the Bangladesh Liberation War バングラデシュ独立戦争《1971年勃発》 ℓ.12 loan shark 高利貸しUnit 1Date: / ListeningTotal読解時間/10/100(2分15秒)/12/10/28/40LogicWritingGrammarReadingテーマ語数伝記200Reading 02分 秒1. wonder /wndər/動他 4. unique /ju(ː)nːk/形 2. smart /smrt/形 5. break out 3. support /səpːrt/動他 6. borrow /bːrou/動自 重要単語・熟語チェック辞書で意味を確認しよう解答・解説集p.20mondai_SPRINT_NTK_11.indd 4-52017/09/25 19:02LEMENTELEMENTE
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